Class Dojo
As an eco-school who cherishes the families we work with, we limit the use of paper forms of communication to a minimum. To correspond with our school family, we share exciting events and celebrations, send reminders and dates such as trips, parents evenings and clubs, weekly newsletters and more via ClassDojo.
Every parent and carer connects to their child/ren’s class/es on the Dojo app which is free to download on your Smart phone, tablet or PC or laptop. If you don’t have a smart phone, you can also log in through the website linked below. The children also have logins to share their home learning and experiences too. Messages can also be sent privately between staff and adults at home as well as public comments made on whole-school or class posts.
Go to the parent guide by clicking the Dojo image:
If you haven’t already, please download the app and let the office know what your email address is to connect you to the class page. Class teachers can then share an invite with you or will give you a QR code or weblink.
Here is a link to the sign-up page:
If you have any questions or want to sign up, please email the school office on , call 0151 647 7188 or pop into the office who will be happy to help you get set up.