Our Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to give all of our children the very best opportunities to make our vision a reality. We have built it around the acronym R-A-I-S-E.
R - Retention of powerful knowledge and vocabulary
A - Application of powerful knowledge and vocabulary
I - Inspiration
S - Success for everyone
E - Elevating our children to a position where they can make a positive difference to the world.
As a Christian family, together, we realise our God-given ability to change the world
As a Christian family, together, we realise our God-given ability to change the world |
We have carefully designed our own curriculum to ensure our children experience purposeful, exciting and inspirational learning opportunities. This will broaden their horizons and enrich their knowledge as required in the Statutory Framework of the EYFS and the National Curriculum and beyond. We want our children to experience all of the joy and powerful knowledge an inclusive and imaginative curriculum can provide. We are extremely passionate about achieving this. We have been brave and bold in the opportunities we have planned for our pupils as we want our curriculum to be exciting, challenging and adventurous!
When designing our curriculum, we have taken into consideration:
Our vision and Christian values which we hold dear;
The crucial knowledge we want our pupils to know, understand and apply;
Providing our pupils with exciting, inspirational and adventurous experiences;
Promoting the moral, social and spiritual development of our children;
Planning for the careful progression of knowledge year upon year to master and deepen;
Providing a relevant and meaningful curriculum for our children, which they can relate to, and feel pride towards;
Creating a curriculum that breaks boundaries and takes our children to unknown destinations and experiences!
Providing every child with a curriculum which is fun and enjoyable;
And above all else, creating a curriculum which provides them with the determination, passion and dedication to succeed in their future lives.
‘The curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the needs of pupils and strengthen learning. Improving knowledge promotes academic growth and developing skills elevates pupils to a position of being able to make change.’
SIAMS, March 2024.
'Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is broad and balanced. They have taken effective steps to improve pupils’ learning in mathematics and English. Leaders have ensured that the curriculum for these subjects identifies the important knowledge that pupils should learn and when they will learn it. This means that pupils, including those with SEND, learn in a logical way, from the early years to Year 6. As a result, pupils build new knowledge on what they have learned before.'
Ofsted, 2023.
Policies & Planning
Click here to see our curriculum policy on our policies page. Below is the curriculum information for the core subjects and EYFS. Towards the bottom of the page are the links to the documents for our wider curriculum.
Reading is a crucial part of a child’s development and intrinsic in our curriculum. We ensure the children have a rich and varied diet of literature through a range of teaching and resources. Click on the links below to get an insight into some of those resources and ways we assess reading.
How we teach reading How we assess reading
We use Read Write Inc to teach our children to read. The children are taught in smaller groups and are assessed regularly. Here is a short clip explaining what the scheme is. There is also a link to the parents part of the Read Write Inc website which gives great demonstrations of how we teach it and how you can support them at home.
Click here for the RWI for parents page
Our aim is to ensure every child leaves our school as a competent, confident writer, knowing that the things they write can have the power to change their own lives and the lives of others.
Click here to view our Writing policy
Click here to view our planning overview for English
Click here to view our Adventurous Vocabulary policy
Hand writing is a key part of improving standards and meeting expectations. Please click here to see how we teach it and how you can help at home.
Here is our ENGLISH ACTION PLAN so you can find out the key areas for development.
Our aim is to build a whole-school culture of talk, across the curriculum and beyond the classroom. We know that oracy supports learning within and outside of the classroom as well as the the futures of our pupils. It also supports the ability of our children to voice their emotions and needs. Oracy is empowering.
Click here to view our Oracy Aims
Our aim is to ensure every child leaves our school competent and confident in their ability to calculate, reason and apply mathematics. We follow the ‘White Rose’ approach to this subject.
Click here to view our Maths policy.
Click here for our MATHS ACTION PLAN which outlines the key areas of development in this subject.
All of the children in KS2 have a log in for Sumdog. This is an online platform which is great for practising the essential maths teaching the children need.