Learning at Home


Reading is invaluable to children’s learning as it broadens their experiences and imaginations. In our English lessons, we passionately believe in the power of language rich and beautifully engaging texts. We also use the schemes of Read Write Inc. (phonics) and Accelerated Reader to encourage independent reading and comprehension pitched at the right level for all of our young readers. In recent years, we have invested over £2000 in our reading books across the school both in our library and classrooms. Therefore, we believe our children are equipped to be lovers of readers and life-long learners. We encourage our children to use the books they are exposed to in phonics to read at home and then to choose their books for home reading when they are ready. Children are asked to read at least 4 times a week and record this in their reading records by an adult at home or themselves when they are older.


Children have a homework book with a spelling activity in each week. We aim for this to be an investigation that they can complete with growing independence. In class, we follow Read Write Inc for phonics (starting in F2) and Jane Considine for spelling lessons once the children finish the RWI programme. Both of these schemes are widely acclaimed for their expert knowledge and approaches. The activity children will bring home is based on their learning in class to encourage their learning at home further.


Click the image to go to the login page

The children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6) have been given access to Sumdog. This is an online platform which has all areas of maths on it. Each teacher will set work based on children’s learning for that week. The children love this games based approach to allow them to practise number skills in a different way. It is also invaluable for the Multiplication Tables Check which takes place in Summer term in Year 4. There are also lots of local and national competitions that the children enjoy taking part in throughout the year.

Parents Role

We believe that the parent and carer role is crucial and partnership between home and school makes an immeasurable difference to children’s growth and development. We know that it is not easy at times to facilitate your child’s learning. Please contact the school as soon as possible or speak to your child’s class teacher if you need any help with learning at home.

Below is our guide and policy used during the Covid19 lockdown: